abSketches began as an architectural visualization firm and we proudly carry those roots as we’ve grown. We strive for the highest quality images with each project. Below you can read about the rendering services we offer, browse through industry specific examples of past projects, and learn about the rendering process as a whole. We look forward to working together to bring your vision to life!

Architectural Visualization
Architecture is what got us started and we take great pride in the high quality imagery we produce. For your convenience, we’ve separated examples of our work into industry specific categories: Senior Living, Restoration, Education, Commercial, Hospitality, and Healthcare. Please feel free to explore these pages at your leisure by clicking on the categories here, or see what other rendering services we offer below.
Product Rendering
Rendering products gives a creative freedom unlike anything you can achieve with traditional photography, allowing us to provide the exact image you need for your marketing. Check out some examples here.
Animation takes traditional rendering into the fourth dimension, opening up a whole new world of possibility. Explore a few of our featured animated projects here.

What is Rendering Anyway?
We get it, there can be a lot of jargon for those who don’t work with this stuff every day. That’s why we’ve put together a crash course on things to know when it comes to the world of rendering. Read more below if you’re interested!
3D rendering is the process of creating a 2D image out of 3D objects. We custom build 3D models, create materials, set up lighting and cameras, and let the computer calculate the final imagery. Think of it like a sculptor placing their work into an oven to finish it up. Here you can see an example of what a scene looks like in-program vs a final render.
The benefits of rendering over traditional photography are many. Not only can we capture a photoreal image of something that doesn’t exist yet, but we can capture it from angles that would otherwise be physically impossible, all with complete control over colors, object placement, and lighting.
In short, rendering is the best way to obtain the exact image you need without compromise.
Traditional Rendering
The most common type of rendering is essentially a photograph, a still image rendered out of our software and provided to you as a digital file. Our typical render is measured in pixels at 4000x2250 unless a different size demands it. We’re able to export our images at whatever DPI and resolution you need for your project as long as we know up front!
Axonometric Rendering
Also referred to as axon or isometric renders, an axonometric rendering is most often used as a way to show off room layouts in an attractive manner. The name refers to the lack of perspective along with the tilted view. The result is almost like looking down into a doll house, and is instantly more relatable than a simple line drawn floorplan.
360 Degree Rendering
When a single angle of a room just won’t get the job done, we offer 360 degree renderings. These immersive renders are easily viewed on a cell phone with a gyroscope, turning and looking through the screen as though it were a portal into your design itself. These renders can even be linked together for intricate click-through tours.
Set the Mood
Consider the story you want to tell with your images. It’s easy enough to create a render to simply show as much of your design as possible, but is that going to be the best way to get an emotional reaction from your audience? Changes in environmental lighting or more dynamic angles can go a long way towards a visually striking image the viewer can actually picture themselves in.
Getting Started
We offer a multitude of workflows to fit your needs and make it a point to be there for you every step of the way. Supposing you have finished architectural drawings, our artists can take those and build out the full design as accurately as possible. Still in the conceptual phase? Pitch us your idea, or give us some inspirational photos you like, and we can help you refine that concept in a less prescribed manner. Reach out to our team to have a discovery meeting about how we can help bring your ideas to life!